a.a. 2024/25 |
S.Mahmoud Taheri
Full professor at University of Tehran (Iran)
Periodo: Ottobre - Dicembre 2024
Host: Prof. Pierpaolo D’Urso
Synthesis of joint research: Fuzzy clustering and fuzzy regression- Ridha Ali Ben Saleh
Full professor at Department of Finance and Banking, University of Zawia (Libya)
Periodo: 02/12/2024 - 06/12/2024
Host: Prof.Pierluigi Montalbano
Synthesis of joint research: Impact of climate change on migration
a.a. 2023/24 |
Ridha Ali Ben Saleh
Full professor at Department of Finance and Banking, University of Zawia (Libya)
Periodo: 13/11/2023 - 24/11/2023
Host: Prof.Pierluigi Montalbano
Synthesis of joint research: Impact of climate change on migration- Fabio Mariani
Full professor at Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgio)
Periodo: 29 Novembre - 29 Dicembre 2023
Host: Prof. Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Synthesis of joint research: Migrazione interna
- Antonio Roazzi
Full professor at Department of Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco (Brasil)
Periodo: Aprile - Maggio 2024
Host: Prof. Alessandro Toni e Prof.ssa Lorenza Di Pentima
Synthesis of joint research: Elaborazioni statistiche, analisi e interpretazione dei dati relativamente a ”Attaccamento, stili genitoriali e sviluppo morale:dimensioni emotive e cognitive”.
- Manuela Perrotta
Full professor at Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)
Periodo: Giugno - Luglio 2024
Host: Prof.ssa Assunta Viteritti
Synthesis of joint research: Public engagement’s theoretical and practical aspects
a.a. 2022/23 |
Antonio Roazzi
Full professor at Department of Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco (Brasil)
Periodo: Novembre - Dicembre 2022
Host: Prof. Alessandro Toni e Prof.ssa Lorenza Di Pentima
Synthesis of joint research: Elaborazioni statistiche, analisi e interpretazione dei dati relativamente a ”Attaccamento, stili genitoriali e dimensioni socio-cognitive in situazioni di normalità e in situazioni di violenza”.Donato di Carlo
Senior Researcher at Max Planck Institutes for the Studies of Societies (Colonia, Germania).
Periodo: Dicembre 2022 - Febbraio 2023
Host: Prof. Andrea Ciarini
Synthesis of joint research: Political economy comparata, con particolare riferimento all’evoluzione dei regimi di crescita e dei modelli sociali a livello regionale in Italia.Michael Kopel
Full professor at Institute for Organization and Institutions, University of Graz (Austria)
Periodo: Febbraio-Marzo 2023
Host: Prof.Marco Marini
Synthesis of joint research: Competition between NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and how competition affects fundraising efforts and the choice of NGO projects.Raquel Andrade Weiss
Associated professor at Departamento de Sociologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)
Periodo: Febbraio-Maggio 2023
Host: Prof.Giuseppe Ricotta
Synthesis of joint research: Develop parameters for non-hierarchical dialogues between Global North and South in the field of Social Theory.Thomas Boren
Full professor at Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University (Svezia)
Periodo: Marzo-Aprile 2023
Host: Prof.ssa Rossana Galdini
Synthesis of joint research: Develop a research proposal to the Horizon Europe funding scheme, conducting pre-studies in the form of desk research, elaborating the design of the project and forming the research consortium. The concept of the project is directed towards innovation in the local development field and underpinned by results from a focused research literature survey.Louis Volante
Full professor of Education Governance and Policy Analysis, Brock University (Canada)
Periodo: Maggio 2023
Host: Prof. Orazio Giancola
Synthesis of joint research: Educational inequalities in a comparative perspective and use of international data produced by OECD and IEA with respect to the educational field.Laurent Sebastien Fournier
Full professor at Laboratoire d'anthropologie et de Psychologie Cliniques, Cognitives Et Sociales, Université Côte d’Azur (Nice, France)
Periodo: Maggio-Giugno 2023
Host: Prof.ssa Alessandra Maria Paola Broccolini
Synthesis of joint research: Analisi dei fenomeni festivi e la socialità post-Covid in Francia ed in Italia.- Anna La Chimia
Full professor of Law and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Periodo: Luglio 2023
Host: Prof.ssa Silvia Lucciarini