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I WP DISSE sono pubblicati per favorire la tempestiva divulgazione dei risultati originali di ricerche e studi sui temi di ricerca coerenti con le finalità della ricerca del dipartimento.

Richiamo delle regole generali ed istruzioni per gli autori



WP. 1/2024 -  Technical Change in Alternative Theories of Growth - di Luca Zamparelli

WP. 2/2024 - Pay Incentives in Politics: Evaluating a Large-scale Salary Increase for Local Politicians - di Augusto Cerqua, Samuel Nocito, Gabriele Pinto

WP. 3/2024 - GIS Methods for the Impact Evaluation of a Project with Missing Data - di Valerio Leone Sciabolazza, Alban Lika

WP. 4/2024 - Giocare per il denaro o giocare con il denaro? La ri-valutazione edonistica del “blakennomion” nella letteratura economica delle scommesse sportive - di Marco Rossi

WP. 5/2024 - Rethinking the nexus between populism and conspiracy theories: a theoretical framework - di Claudia Annovi

WP. 6/2024 - Digital nomadism in liquid modernity: a casestudy of the Madeira Islands- di Elisa De Carvalho

WP. 7/2024 - What’s next? The national governance and industrial transition scenario for Italian SMEs - di Elisa Errico

WP. 8/2024 - Genesis, Function, and Features of Lean Digital Platforms - di Massimo De Minicis

WP. 9/2024 - Decolonizing Research Methodologies in Indigenous Context - di Maria Chiara Fatigato

WP. 10/2024 - School policies for transgender students in Italian high schools: a quantitative analysis of the alias career regulations - di Richard Bourelly

WP. 11/2024 - The impact of educational barriers on child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon - di Fadia Aljamal

WP. 12/2024 - Female migrant carers for the elderly in Italy: macro, meso and micro analyses in studying LTC regime - di Francesca Pasqualone

WP. 13/2024 - School Performance Gaps in Italian Regions: Estimating the Impact of Individual, School, and Territorial Factors. INVALSI 2021/22 Data Analysis - di Adamo Locicero

WP. 14/2024 - The practice of Citizen Science and the process of energy transition. A possible field of application. - di Francesca Rossi

WP. 15/2024 - Transnational Practices.The Women's Rights Caucus: a transnational feminist network in New York City - di Serena Fiorletta

WP. 16/2024 - The Non-Economic Effect of Education: An Analysis of Italians Subjective Health and Well-being - di Federica Rizzi

WP. 17/2024 Integration of migrants in the Italian’s small villages: Opportunities and critical issues - di Giulia Lang

WP. 18/2024 -  New Welfare Systems: Models and Participation - di Pasquale Rosania

WP. 19/2024 - How does leadership affect gender balance in senior positions within Iranian organizations: Organizational Sociology perspective - di Negar Bahadori


WP. 1/2023 -  Technology adoption constraints and Laser Land Levelling: evidence from Karnataka, India - di Lisa Capretti

WP. 2/2023 - 'Shop Until You Drop': the Unexpected Effects of Anti-consumerism and Environmentalism - di Giovanni Maccarrone, Marco A. Marini, Ornella Tarola

WP. 3/2023 - Positioning in Global Value Chains: World Map and Indicators. A new dataset available for GVC analyses - di Michele Mancini, Pierluigi Montalbano, Silvia Nenci, Davide Vurchio

WP. 4/2023 - On the Positive Relation between the Wage Share and Labor Productivity Growth with Endogenous Size and Direction of Technical Change - di Luca Zamparelli

WP. 5/2023 - Social Movements and Transnational Change: The Case of Feminism at the United Nations - di Serena Fiorletta

WP. 6/2023 - Insights about the barriers to achieve gender equality in the decision-making roles and power positions - di Negar Bahadori

WP. 7/2023 - Migrants and Expatriates: Double Standards or Coloniality - di Elisa De Carvalho

WP. 8/2023 - Unlock the Change. A Literature Review on Barriers Limiting SME Sustainable Transition - di Elisa Errico

WP. 9/2023 - Migrants and local development in the Italian Inner Areas: opportunities and critical issues - di Giulia Lang

WP. 10/2023 - Buen Vivir: an Opportunity to Re-think the Development and Sustainability Model - di Maria Chiara Fatigato

WP. 11/2023 - The impact of Gender-based violence and gender norms on child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon: limited legal status and lack of education 1 - di Fadia Aljamal

WP. 12/2023 - The Challenges and Experiences of Transgender Students in Italian High Schools: Alias Career an Normalisation - di Richard Bourelly

WP. 13/2023 - Public Acceptance of Energy Transition Technologies: Theoretical Perspectives - di Francesca Rossi

WP. 14/2023 - For a Sociological Account of Urban Science and Technology Policies: Understanding Cultural, Economic and Political Determinants - di Tommaso Fasciani

WP. 15/2023 - Education Levels as a Dependent and Independent Variable: An Analysis of the Relationships Between Social Origins, Education Attained, and Employment - di Federica Rizzi

WP. 16/2023 - Individual and Context Variables Effects on SchoolPerformances. A Multilevel Analysis on Italian UpperSecondary Students.Outputs in the Italian Case - di Adamo Lo Cicero

WP. 17/2023 - Some reflections on Hicks’s ideas on trade cycles, from the 1930s to the the 1980s - di Bruna Ingrao and Claudio Sardoni

WP. 18/2023 - Evaluation of research infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities field. A proposal for a new approach - di Davide Emanuele Iannace

WP. 19/2023 - Do Hospital Mergers Reduce Waiting Times? Theory and Evidence from the English NHS - di Vanessa Cirulli Giorgia Marini Marco A. Marini Odd Rune Straume

WP. 20/2023 - Participation of Farmers in Market Value Chains: A Tailored Antràs and Chor Positioning Indicator - di Tulia Gattone

WP. 21/2023 -  Environmental Regulation, Firm Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Volatility - di Fabio Di Dio, Lorenzo Frattarolo

WP. 22/2023 - Climate Activism Favors Pro-environmental Consumption - di Marco A. Marini, Samuel Nocito

WP. 23/2023 - Do Green Parties Affect Local Environmental Outcomes? - di Augusto Cerqua, Nadia Fiorino, Emma Galli

WP. 24/2023 - Anticipating household vulnerability to food insecurity during large-scale crises - di Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano, Cristian Moralez Opazo, Federica Petruccelli


WP. 1/2022 - An Implementation Approach to Rotation Programs - di Ville Korpela, M. Lombardi, Riccardo D. Saulle

WP. 2/2022 - A Beam of Light: Media, Tourism and Economic Development - Samuel Nocito, Marcello Sartarelli, Francesco Sobbrio

WP. 3/2022 - Tax and pollution in a vertically differentiated duopoly: when consumers matter - di Giulia Ceccantoni, Ornella Tarola, Cecilia Vergari

WP. 4/2022 - Rights redistribution and COVID-19 lockdown policy - di Giampaolo Garzarelli, Lyndal Keeton, Aldo A. Sitoe

WP. 5/2022 - Heterogeneity, Bubbles and Monetary Policy - di Jacopo Bonchi, Salvatore Nisticò

WP. 6/2022 -  The long-term effects of mass layoffs: do local economies (ever) recover? - di Viviana Celli, Augusto Cerqua, Guido Pellegrini

WP. 7/2022 - Unconventional Policy and Idiosyncratic Risk - di Salvatore Nisticò, Marialaura Seccareccia

WP. 8/2022 - Public spending and growth: A model - di Claudio Sardoni

WP. 9/2022 - Proximity to markets, resilience, and food security: a cross-country empirical analysis - di Alessandra Garbero, Tulia Gattone, Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano

WP. 10/2022 - Does Cooperation among Institutions Foster Migrants inclusion? Evidence from a Case-Study on Financial Literacy in Italy - di Samuel Nocito, Alessandra Venturini

WP. 11/2022 - Oligolopy Pricing: the Role of Firm Size and Number - di Iwan Bos, Marco A. Marini


WP. 1/2021 - A decade of Eurasian Integration: An ex-post non-parametric assessment of the Eurasian Economic Union - di A. Cerqua, P. Montalbano, Z. Temerbulatova

WP. 2/2021 - What kind of region reaps the benefits of a currency union? - di A. Cerqua, R. Di Stefano, G. Pellegrini

WP. 3/2021 - Random Encounters and Information Diffusion about Product Quality - di J. J. Gabszewicz, M. A. Marini, S. Zanaj

WP. 4/2021 - Household debt, aggregate demand, and instability in a Stock-Flow model - di F. Ruggeri

WP. 5/2021 - Myopic Oligopoly Pricing - di I. Bos, M. A. Marini, R. D. Saulle

WP. 6/2021 - Deeds or words? The local influence of anti-immigrant parties on foreigners’ flows in Italy - di A. Cerqua, F. Zampollo

WP. 7/2021 - The search for moneyness in an era of financial innovation - di B.Ingrao, F.Ruggeri, C.Sardoni

WP. 8/2021 - Diversity on the screen -  di M. D. Delis, A. Litina, S. Zanaj

WP. 9/2021 - Personal income distribution and the endogeneity of the demand regime - di L. Tonni


WP. 1/2020 - Labor mobility effects of a firm-level shock - di A. Cerqua, G. Pellegrini

WP. 2/2020 - Labor-Augmenting Technical Change and the Labor Share: New Microeconomic Foundations - di D. Tavani, L. Zamparelli

WP. 3/2020 -  Natural Interest Rate and Asset Bubbles: How Bubbles Counteract Low Interest Rates - di J. Bonchi

WP. 4/2020 - Family Background, School-Track and Macro-Area: the Complex Chains of Education Inequalities in Italy - di O. Giancola, L. Salmieri

WP. 5/2020 - Immigration and income-support schemes in Germany, France and Italy. A preliminary comparison - di Ravza Belemir Aydin, Lluis Francesc Peris Cancio

WP. 6/2020 - The Paradox of Thrift in the Two-Sector Kaleckian Growth Model - di L.Fanti, L. Zamparelli

WP. 7/2020 - Repo Markets, Collateral Re-use and Systemic Fragility. A Literature Review - di M. Accornero

WP. 8/2020 - The Economics of Helicopter Money - di P. Benigno, S. Nisticò (Aggiornamento Marzo 2022)

WP. 9/2020 - Asset Price Bubbles and Monetary Policy: Revisiting the Nexus at the Zero Lower Bound - di J. Bonchi

WP. 10/2020 - Collateral Re-use, Liquidity and Financial Stability - di M. Accornero

WP. 11/2020 - Migration and Trade during the Belle Époque in Argentina (1870-1913) - di G. De Arcangelis, R. D. Mariani, F. Nastasi

WP. 12/2020 - How Low Interest Rates Discern the Bubbles Nature: Leveraged vs Unleveraged Bubble - di J. Bonchi, F.S. Lucidi

WP. 13/2020 - Il mercato sociale della cannabis: un’analisi economica - di M. Rossi

WP. 14/2020 - Local mortality estimates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy - di A. Cerqua, R. Di Stefano, M. Letta, S. Miccoli

WP. 15/2020 - Identification of Causal Mechanisms through an RD Approach - di V. Celli

WP. 16/2020 - Predicting Corruption Crimes with Machine Learning. A Study for the Italian Municipalities - di G. de Blasio, A. D’Ignazio, M. Letta

WP. 17/2020 - Income tax rate increases and heterogeneous taxpayers’ reactions: a spatial regression discontinuity design - di A. Cerqua, E. Galli

WP. 18/2020 - Budget deficits, public debt and the Ricardian Equivalence -  di C. Sardoni

WP.19/2020 - Platforms from the Inside-Out - di M.C. Ambra 

WP. 20/2020 - I will survive! The impact of place-based policies when public transfers fade out - di A. Cerqua, G. Pellegrini

WP. 21/2020 - The inclusive synthetic control method - di R. Di Stefano, G. Mellace

WP. 22/2020 - Collusion in Quality-Segmented Markets - di I. Bos, M. A. Marini

WP. 23/2020 - Mandatory Disclosure of Managerial Contracts in Nonprofit Organizations - di M. Kopel, M. A. Marini


WP. 1/2019 - Investment and saving in a dynamic context - di C. Sardoni

WP. 2/2019 - Beyond the agrimafie-caporalato binary: the restructuring of agriculture in Central Italy and its implications on labour relations - di L. Salvia

WP. 3/2019 - Sectoral Composition of Output and the Wage Share: a Two-Sector Kaleckian Model - di E. Beqiraj, L. Fanti, L. Zamparelli

WP. 4/2019 - New Structuralism and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint - G. Porcile & G. Toshiro Yajima

WP. 5/2019 - Multi-Country Tasks Measures:Beyond US-based Data and a Focus on Migration - G. De Arcangelis & R. D. Mariani

WP. 6/2019 - Migration and Production Structure in Europe with a Labor Task Approach - S. Borelli, G. De Arcangelis & M. Joxhe

WP. 7/2019 - Ethics out of Economics: The Futile Attempt of Rendering Economics a Neutral Science - di G. Chiodi

WP. 8/2019 - Criptovalute, Sovranismo e Sistema Monetario - di S. Nisticò

WP. 9/2019 - A non-parametric re-assessment of the trade effects of the euro using value added data - di P. Montalbano, S. Nenci, L. Dell'Agostino

WP. 10/2019 - (Dis)Solving the Zero Lower Bound Equilibrium through Income Policy - di G. Ascari, J. Bonchi

WP. 11/2019 - On Aging Cannabis Users: a Welfare Economics Analysis - di M. Rossi

WP. 12/2019 - Causal Mediation Analysis in Economics: objectives, assumptions, models - di V.Celli

WP. 13/2019 - Commodity Speculation and Exchange Rate Swings in Latin America: a Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) Analysis - di L. Nalin, G. Toshiro Yajima

WP. 14/2019 - Cartel Formation with Quality Differentiation - di I. Bos, M. Marini, R. Saulle


WP. 1/2018 - Fiscal Shocks and Helicopter Money in Open Economy - di: G. Di Giorgio, G. Traficante

WP. 2/2018 - Resilience thresholds to temperature shocks in rural Tanzania: a long-run assessment - di: M. d'Errico, M. Letta, P. Montalbano, R. Pietrelli

WP. 3/2018 - An AB-SFC Model of Induced Technical Change along Classical and Keynesian Lines - di: L. Fanti

WP. 4/2018 - Sraffa’s Silenced Revival of the Classical Economists and of Marx - di G. Chiodi

WP. 5/2018 - Where does “dirty” money go? A gravity analysis. - di V. Gullo e P. Montalbano

WP. 6/2018 - Is transparency spatially determined? An empirical test for the Italian Municipalities -  di E. Galli, I. Rizzo, C. Scaglioni

WP. 7/2018 - The Impact of Syrian Crisis on the Quality of Education in Jordan: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. - di A. Bataineh e P. Montalbano


WP. 1/2017 - Endogenous Technical Change in Alternative Theories of Growth and Distribution - di D. Tavani, L. Zamparelli

WP. 2/2017 - Market chain participation and food security: the case of the Ugandan maize farmers - di P. Montalbano, R. Pietrelli, L. Salvatici

WP. 3/2017 - Banking theories and Macroeconomics - di A. Bianco, C. Sardoni

WP. 4/2017 - Agriculture and Food Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does bilateral trade policy impact on backward and forward participation? - di J. Balié, D. Del Prete, E. Magrini, P. Montalbano, S. Nenci

WP. 5/2017 - Spatial price transmission and trade policies: new evidence for agricultural products from selected sub-Saharan African countries with high frequency data - di L. Muratori, S. Fricke

WP. 6/2017 - Samaritan Bundles: Inefficient Clustering in NGO Projects - di G. Aldashev, M. Marini, T. Verdier

WP. 7/2017 - Functional "reversal" and dimensional "decoupling" of "finance" and "the real economy": a reflection on the "Kaleckian" and "Minskian" limits to over-financialization - di P.M. Piacentini

WP. 8/2017 - Financialisation and distribution in three main Eurozone countries from a Kaleckian perspective: France, Germany and Spain compared – before and after the crisis - di E. Hein, P. Dunhaupt, A. Alfageme, M. Kulesza

WP. 9/2017 - Financialisation and distribution from a Kaleckian perspective: the US, the UK and Sweden compared – before and after the crisis - di E. Hein, P. Dunhaupt, M. Kulesza, A. Alfageme

WP. 10/2017 - Stagnation policy in the Eurozone and economic policy alternatives: A Steindlian/neo-Kaleckian perspective - di E. Hein

WP. 11/2017 - Decision Theory Application in Agricultural Entrepreneurship Promotion - N. Dobryagina

WP. 12/2017 - Vulnerability from trade in Vietnam. - E. Magrini, P. Montalbano, L. A. Winters

WP. 13/2017 - Temperature shocks, growth and poverty thresholds: evidence from rural Tanzania. - M. Letta, P. Montalbano, R. S. J. Tol


WP. 1/2016 - Price Gap along the Ugandan Coffee Value Chain - di L. Muratori

WP. 2/2016 - Gender Gaps in Social Capital: A theoretical interpretation of the Italian evidence - di E. Addis, M. Joxhe

WP. 3/2016 - Remit for what? The Impact of Information Asymmetries in Transnational Households - di G. De Arcangelis, M. Joxhe, D. Yang

WP. 4/2016 - Migration, Labor Tasks and Production Structure in Europe - di S. Borelli, G. De Arcangelis

WP. 5/2016 - How Workers' Skills Are Used at Work: A Multi-Country Comparison with PIAAC - di S. Borelli

WP. 6/2016 - Distributive Conflict, Growth, and the ‘Entrepreneurial State’ - di D. Tavani, L. Zamparelli

WP. 7/2016 - Public Expenditure and Growth: The Indian Case - di A. Bhatt, C. Sardoni

WP. 8/2016 - Policy Experimentation and Intergovernmental Grants in a Federal System - di G. Garzarelli, L. Keeton

WP. 9/2016 - Debt Overhang and Sovereign Debt Restructuring - di M. O. Picarelli


WP. 1/2015 - Wealth Distribution, Elasticity of Substitution, and Piketty: an anti-dual Pasinetti Economy - di L. Zamparelli

WP. 2/2015 - Organizing the Global Value Chain: a firm-level test - di D. Del Prete, A. Rungi

WP. 3/2015 - The functions of money and the demand for liquidity - di C. Sardoni

WP. 4/2015 - Government spending and the exchange rate - di G. Di Giorgio, S. Nisticò, G. Traficante

WP. 5/2015 - Shadow Banking, Relationship Banking, and the Economics of Depression - di A. Bianco

WP. 6/2015 - Estimating Non-Linear DSGEs with the Approximate Bayesian Computation: an application to the Zero Lower Bound - di V. Scalone

WP. 7/2015 - Government Spending Composition, Aggregate Demand, Growth and Distribution - di D. Tavani, L. Zamparelli

WP. 8/2015 - Immigrants, Natives and Crime: A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Analysis - di L. M. Solivetti


WP. 1/2014 - Immigration and Manufacturing In Italy. Evidence from the 2000s. - di G. De Arcangelis, E. Di Porto, G. Santoni

WP. 2/2014 - Beyond the SUTVA: how policy evaluations change when we allow for interactions among firms. - di A. Cerqua, G. Pellegrini

WP. 3/2014 - Learning for Life: A Cross-National Analysis Comparing Education with Other Determinants of Infant Mortality. - di L. M. Solivetti, A. Mirone

WP. 4/2014 - Learning, Monetary Policy and Asset Prices - di M. Airaudo, S. Nisticò, L-F Zanna

WP. 5/2014 - Fiscal shocks and the exchange rate - di G. Di Giorgio, S. Nisticò, G. Traficante

WP. 6/2014 - Optimal monetary policy and financial stability in a non-Ricardian economy - di S. Nisticò

WP. 7/2014 - The Euro effects on intermediate and final exports - di L. Rotili

WP. 8/2014 - Alcune riflessioni sul governo tecnico - di M. Boccaccio

WP. 9/2014 - Agricultural Trade Policies and Food Security: Is there a Causal Relationship? - di E. Magrini, P. Montalbano, S. Nenci, L. Salvatici

WP. 10/2014 - Public Goods, Redistribution, and Growth: A Classical Model - di D. Tavani, L. Zamparelli

WP. 11/2014 - How Do Migrants Save? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey on Temporary and Permanent Migrants versus Natives - di G. De Arcangelis, M. Joxhe


WP. 1/2013 - Inefficiency in Survey Exchange Rates Forecasts - di F. Pancotto, F.M.Pericoli, M. Pistagnesi

WP. 2/2013 - Are the EU trade preferences really effective? A Generalized Propensity Score evaluation of the Southern Mediterranean Countries' case in agriculture and fishery - di E. Magrini, P. Montalbano, S. Nenci


WP. 1/2011 - ISSN:2240-0087 - Currency Crises During the Great Recession: Is This Time Different? - di Arduini, Tiziano, Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Carlo Del Bello.


WP. 1/2010 - Clandestine Migrants: Do the High-Skilled Return Home First? - di N.D. Coniglio, G. De Arcangelis, L.Serlenga.

WP. 2/2010 - Backward?looking and forward?looking notional?defined?contribution pension schemes – di S. Gronchi, F.Gismondi.

WP. 3/2010 - Does Trade Openness Make Countries Vulnerable? - di A.Federici, P.Montalbano.

WP. 4/2010 - To acquire, or to complete? An entry dilemma - di J.J. Gabszewicz, D. Laussel, O. Tarola.

WP. 5/2010 - Centralized Wage Setting and Labor Market Policies: the Nordic Model Case - di F. Vona, L. Zamparelli.

WP. 6/2010 - Measuring the Impact of the European Regional Policy on Economic Growth: a Regression Discontinuity Design Approach - di F. Busillo, T. Muccigrosso, G. Pellegrini, O. Tarola, F. Terribile.

WP.7/2010 -  Parental Influence on Children's Unhealthy Lifestyle Activities in UK - di C.Abbafati